Tag: delayed gratification

Pump The Brakes


Do you remember Veruca Salt from Willy Wanka? Little Miss “I Want It Now!”

The original movie was made in 1971, but it sometimes feels like society has only adopted the sentiment more fervently as time goes on.

Personally, I’d like for us to consider the importance of accepting delayed gratification.

I heard a speaker last night talk about how common it is for us to look at someone else’s popularity or wealth and say, “I wish I had that”, or, “If I could be them for a day”. But what we don’t realize is that in most instances they put in years of work and sacrifice to get to that point – and most people wouldn’t be willing to do that part of the equation.

We only want the glitz and glamour.

There seems to be a disconnect in understanding that living on a budget allows you to save and keeps you out of debt.

Or that if you want to build your own business you might have to put hours in both before and after your full-time job to get it started.

Or that to be a better spouse it takes sacrifice and honest communication and a willingness to support each other’s dreams.

Our minds are so quick to look at a other people and say, “I want it now!” without giving a single thought to the reality of what it would actually take to achieve. And I fall into this trap as often as the next guy. It’s a slippery slope and easy to do.

So I say let’s find out what our friends and loved ones really want to do; what’s really important to them. Then let’s encourage them to stay the course!

Save for that vacation. Train for that marathon. Pay off that debt. Finish that degree. Start that blog. Open that Etsy shop.

Online communities like #yourturnchallenge, MyBlogU and countless others do it for strangers, so let’s spread that long-term vision to those closest to us and pump the brakes on unfulfilling instant gratification.